Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

Simple site to log thoughts on current events and activity. Please feel free to give your comments.

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Special Months & Exclusion?

At risk, of being called a racist, sexist, hatemonger - I would like someone to take a stab at a rational explanation to why:

  • Black History Month isn't racist when any who wanted a White History month would be tagged a racist
  • Women History Month isn't sexist but no Male/Man History month, correct it would be sexist -- Explain, please
  • LGBT Pride Month; yet not seeing a Heterosexual Month, oh that would be homophobic-- please another opportunity to explain
  • LGBT History Month (yes LGBT get 2 calls outs), same as above -- Explain, please
  • There is a special African-American Music appreciation month, other musicians I suppose as simply useless

Please take a shot at the explanation; however, let me explain my point.

WHY do we have to have "special" months and recognition if the goal is equality and/or sameness -- Hard to have when we call the differences out nearly every single month while excluding some. Exclusion being a way to point out differences with one or a group believing the differences are lesser than or better than another.

Just doesn't seem the actions correspond with the stated goal; in fact, these actions contradict the stated purpose.