Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

Simple site to log thoughts on current events and activity. Please feel free to give your comments.

Filtering by Category: "ARMY"

My Hope!


I hope and pray every American, be he/she born or naturalized, remembers the greatest of this nation… the reason so many will sacrifice so much to get to America - CAME AT A PRICE!

Many selflessly sacrificed much to give you the right to celebrate America, to love America, and YES to hate America… Freedom to love or hate DOESN'T COME FREE

Was it a Terrorist Attack?

I call it a terrorist attack… I believe most do; however, the administration calls it "workplace violence" - Really?

Some excerpts form the link...

Fellow victims at Fort Hood “were killed and wounded by . . . somebody who was there that day to kill soldiers, to prevent them from deploying,” says Manning.

“And if that’s not an act of war, an act of terrorism, I don’t know what is.”

...and On National Security

What to you think "dear" leader will do? Stand up to the fringe left and send troops or give in and allow it to be "all for not"?

AFP: General backs request for more troops in Afghanistan
LONDON — Britain's top general in Afghanistan has backed his US commander's call for more foreign troops to fight an increasingly bloody Taliban insurgency, a newspaper said Monday.

Lieutenant-General Jim Dutton, the deputy commander of NATO?s International Security Assistance Force, told The Times newspaper that victory was a matter of "straightforward force ratios".

"If you want to achieve long-term stability, and therefore a lack of terrorism potential in an area, you need to be doing more than simply patrolling the skies," Dutton said.

He said he supported US General Stanley McChrystal's request for a troop buildup in the country to counter the Taliban insurgency -- as competing advice over the future war strategy and waning Western public support grows.

Good To Come Back With!

Well I took a break, surprise. Honestly I got sick of the junk, never ending junk -- liberals complain I, a conservative, and others like me don't listen or refuse to listen to facts, yea right!

Have you ever noticed that when someone complains about a flaw in another's character, that flaw is magnified ten fold in themselves? Seriously think about it, when I have pointed this out to some they take a minute and say "You know your right", I know I am -- I learned it years ago from a mentor... Because I know this, when I become irritated I look at myself before speaking! Ever wonder where the saying "Physician heal thyself" came from?

Well I am back and will try to post regularly, but let me first say the claim that I and others like me refuse to listen....is bunk! Bunk stated by arrogant, elitist, who want the ability to determine what I say, think, and where I spend my money. Well, dream on sparky! My thoughts, desires for my family, and my belief choices will never be controlled by another human -- OK the wife might control some of my thoughts:-)...

What better time to return to posting then with a link of Brit Hume spelling out the idiocy of Martha -- a true Democrat hero! Watch it here! Some excerpts!

...this guy is long past the day when he had anything but the foggiest awareness of what the heck is going on in the world.

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Military Traditions

It is good to see some find traditions in the military GOOD and don't try to trash them!

Thanksgiving in the Army

Civilians making their way past American military bases and checkpoints in Iraq this Thanksgiving may be surprised to find senior American non-commissioned officers and commissioned officers guarding the gates and manning the wire — duties normally reserved for young enlisted soldiers. If the Iraqis were to venture inside the compounds, they might see the regular rank-and-file American G.I. feasting on everything from roast turkey to roast-beef to sweet-potato pie and every kind of cake and confectionary treat imaginable, all served by the officers.

It’s part of a long-standing Thanksgiving tradition in the U.S. Army where senior leaders serve junior soldiers.

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US Army -- Boots on the Ground

Some may enjoy!
Boots on the Ground represents the commitment of the United States of American and the multiple capabilities of the American Soldier. It reflects the physical and mental aspect of being the ultimate instrument of national resolve that is both ready to meet and relevant to the challenges of the dangerous and complex 21st century security environment.