Woody's Things

Ramblings and Opinons of an old man!

Simple site to log thoughts on current events and activity. Please feel free to give your comments.

No Looting in Japan

Though "our" US reporters show their desire for horrific and tragic stories as they report with frustration the lack of human debauchery in the wake of human suffering, there are several opinions why these reporters aren't getting the stories they desire - From culture, which is debatable just ask Koreans and Chinese who lived through the Japanese occupations of the past, to a one-for-all-all-for-one mentality. I found the below link had an interesting take and viewpoint on the topic.

American Thinker: Why The Japanese Aren't Looting

Solidarity - Yea Right...

...let me get this right - It is "solidarity" when liberals agree with the "cause" and a mob when they don't.

Tea Party demonstrators had no violence (though accused but never proven), no taxpayer went without services (i.e. fake sick calls), no calls for "blood in the streets" - Yet they were a mob...

Now we have liars faking sick call-in(s), politicians saying "sometimes you have to get bloody", and protesters issuing threats...and this is a good thing.

Guess I am a stupid southern boy, because that makes no sense to me - AND, I pray it never does!

FOX News - Top Stories - National Protests Decry Wis. Anti-Union Efforts - Page 1 of 5

Against Public Unions - Your a Racist

…just in case you didn't know
American Thinker Blog: Fiscal responsibility is racist!
Thought I would mention, upon leaving the military I looked at "a public" job and was told "no matter if you have the highest, score the top 98 minorities would be hired before you are considered" - They were looking to hire 100 police officers. Wonder why the public sector has a higher number of african-american employees? ?

Another View on Unions

This is an interesting read of someone, from a pro-union family, changing their opinion of unions…

I now saw the union as a grand rip-off. The union working man wasn't some noble, virtuous saint, fighting the good fight against the Robber Barons, as I'd always been taught. He was a drunken, stoned, uneducated, vulgar slob, ripping off a piece of the action for himself.

American Thinker: Why I Changed My Mind About Unions

Don't Blame Oil Companies for Higher Gas Prices

Maybe a little economics 101 - Oil Companies have stockholders, possibly even you. The companies responsibility first is to the stockholders who invested in them, no not Billy Bob who they may have hired. ANY, increase in operational expense could cut what the INVESTORS get out of their investment...which could cause the stockholders to bolt putting the company in trouble and costing Billy Bob his job...

...so the easy fix is to pass this on to the consumer - SO don't blame the Oil Company for higher gas prices!

White House seeks new fees on offshore drillers - The Hill's E2-Wire

US Should be Cautious, Not Offer Blind Support

I am not so sure we, as a nation, should be encouraging the same as militant Islamic groups... Sure the "protesters" (Muslim Brotherhood) claim to be pro-democracy, but are they? We know that the Muslim Brotherhood had a militant wing which they claim has been closed... I am just saying, the nation, should be cautious in jumping on board as supportive based solely on a "pro-democracy" claim!
Islamic militants took to the Internet to call on Muslims to unite behind Egyptian protesters and not to 'waste the chance' to topple President Hosni Mubarak
Islamic Militants Support Egyptian Protesters - FoxNews.com

***Update*** I found this an interesting read along the same lines -
American Thinker Blog: US and Israeli Analysts Split Over the Egyptian Crisis